This month I am going to talk about fitness and healthy living by sharing some of my favourite tips and activities with you! In this post I will share 4 ways to ensure a healthy lifestyle, 4 of my favourite fitness activities, and 4 of my favourite healthy meals!

4 Ways to Ensure a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Get Active

            Getting in some sort of physical activity every day is super important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are so many forms of physical activity that can be incorporated into your lifestyle even if you are a very busy person! My personal favourite way to get active is by going for a walk at least once a day. Walking around your neighbourhood or finding a cool trail nearby is a great way to get some fresh air and to be active! Some other ways to get active include; playing fetch with your dog, doing jumping jacks during commercials of your favourite show or even cleaning your house! It is very simple to incorporate some physical activity into your everyday routine to stay healthy (and it will make you feel good too!).

2. Eat Fruits and Vegetables

            Personally, I would choose a piece of chocolate cake over brussels sprouts any day – who wouldn’t? And there is nothing wrong with including a piece of chocolate cake in your meals as long as you ensure you are eating fruits and vegetables as well. Fruits and vegetables are packed full of vitamins and minerals that are super important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One way to ensure you are eating enough fruits and vegetables is by making sure you are having at least one fruit or vegetable item with every meal. This may be having blueberries on top of your yogurt for breakfast or having a side of celery and carrot sticks with your chicken wings (and of course some chocolate cake for dessert if you wish!).

3. Drink Lots of Water

            Did you know that 60% of your body is made up of water? That’s right… 60%! Our body needs water to perform everyday functions such as; digestion, transportation of nutrients and maintaining body temperature. It is important for us to replenish the water that is being used for these activities so that our body can continue doing them. I make sure I am drinking enough water by always carrying a full water bottle with me and every time I see it, I am reminded to take a sip!

4. Don’t Forget to Rest

            Many of us have very busy daily routines and a lot of the time we forget to take a rest. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we need to take breaks to allow our body to rejuvenate. One way to do this is by ensuring you are getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep at least every night. This is the amount of time we need to allow our bodies to rest to get ready for the next day. Resting may also mean that if you feel tired in the middle of the day it is your body telling you to take a break. Sit down and watch a tv show or read a book before continuing on with your day.

4 of My Favourite Fitness Activities

1. Walking

            I absolutely love being outside so one of my favourite fitness activities is getting outside in my neighbourhood or finding a new trail. Walking is an easy and effective way to get active and get outside!

2. Swimming

            Whether it is in a pool, a lake or an ocean – swimming is one of the most fun ways to get active in my opinion. Swimming is a great way to work your whole body and to have fun being active as well!

3. Catch/Frisbee

            If you want to have some fun and get active with a friend or family member grab a ball or frisbee and head out to the backyard. My brother and I always used to grab the football after school and toss it back and forth in our backyard. This was a great way to have some fun and get moving!

4. Find an Online Workout Video

            It amazes me how many free workout videos are available online. YouTube has videos for yoga, pilates, cardo and so many more! This has been one of my favourite ways to get some fitness in while stuck at home during the pandemic. You can find workout videos to follow along with that you can do in your bedroom! I love this option as you can find workouts that are short or long depending on how much time you have to spare in your day!

4 of My Favourite Meals

1. Stir Fry

            A stir fry is a quick and easy lunch or dinner option and can be very healthy too! I always start with a base of rice or rice noodles, then choose a source of protein (I usually use shrimp or chicken), and then finish off with some mixed veggies (broccoli and carrots are my favourite). It is as simple as frying all the ingredients together in a pan and adding some sauce and voila! This meal is packed with all the healthy components you need. 

2. Yoghurt

            Yoghurt is usually my go to breakfast especially if I have a busy day ahead. It has lots of calcium and protein and there are just so many flavours to choose from. To make the meal complete I like to add in some fresh berries and granola on top!

3. Omelettes

  Most people thing of omelettes as a breakfast meal but I love to eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Eggs are a great source of protein and you can add your favourite veggies into your omelette to make it a healthy meal. My favourite things to add are: cheese, ham/bacon, and peppers!

4. Sheet Pan Chicken and Veggies

            This is probably one of the easiest meals that I like to make at least once a week. All you need is a pan, an oven, chicken, and your favourite vegetables. I use boneless chicken breast and veggies such as; sweet potato, broccoli, carrot, cherry tomatoes, asparagus – or really just whatever I have. I coat the items with some oil and my favourite seasonings then put them on a pan and cook them all in the oven at once. This meal is quick, healthy and delicious!

Thank you to our sponsor, FS, for their ongoing support and leadership of the Ambassador Program. 

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