
Annual General Meeting

Annual Meetings are duly convened to enable three core and fundamental processes:

  1. An annual and official opportunity for the Board of Directors and senior staff to report on the “health and future direction” of 4-H Ontario to stakeholders of 4-H Ontario; and
  2. To enable the stakeholders a formal opportunity by which to provide constructive direction to the Board of Directors by way of a duly managed resolutions process; and
  3. To convene the electoral process the Directors for the Ontario 4-H Council Board of Directors.  

2024 Annual General Meeting

Date: March 21, 2025

Time: 7 p.m.

Location: Hybrid (Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, Richmond Hill / Zoom )

AGM Registration

Association representatives, proxies and guests are asked to complete the registration form below to attend the AGM in-person or virtually. If you are an association representative and you are unable to attend the AGM, please click the proxy appointment form button to assign a proxy once you have completed the AGM registration form.

Please list the email address you access regularly