
2020 Top Sr Member Award- Sydney Magee

Syndey has been a member of Northumberland County since she was 10 years old. Since then she has been able to complete over 55 clubs ranging from beef to woodworking and various life skill projects. Syndey has attended YAC, FLIA, PLC, the Royal Winter fair with her beef calf, and a club-to-club exchange to Saskatchewan. She gives credit to the 4-H program for teaching her many life skills that are no longer routinely taught in school, like cooking, woodworking, and parliamentary procedures. She also added that 4-H has helped her make many lifelong friends all off the province and it helped guide her decision to choose a career in agriculture.  Syndey is proud to call herself a 4-H member because has learned how to speak up and stand up for what she believes in from this program. She has learned many public speaking skills that she is going to use throughout her life and is glad that many others like her will be able to have the opportunity to gain those same skills. In 2019 Sydney graduated from the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus with a diploma in agriculture and not even 2 weeks after her last exam she was able to land a job.  “I know that I have 4-H to thank for getting into the right community”-Sydney Magee.

Congratulations Sydney, You are a very deserving candidate for this award!


2020 Arbor Award Winner from Northumberland County- Fred Sharpe

Fred Sharpe is one of the recipients of the 4-H Ontario’s 2020 Arbor Award, sponsored by Bayer Crop Science Canada! Thank you for all you do for 4-H and  Fred!
Fred Sharpe has been a Northumberland 4-H volunteer since 1984 and over the past 35 years, has led more than 87 clubs and assumed many leadership roles. As a life-long learner who continues to seek new challenges, Fred continues to participate in 4-H opportunities to learn, build relationships and maintain his passion. Noted by a fellow 4-H leader, “When it comes to 4-H, Fred is there; in Northumberland and beyond.”
Fred has fulfilled many roles within the Northumberland 4-H Association, including Secretary, Vice-President, President, Screening Coordinator, Newsletter Editor and presently, Association Representative, Region 3 Vice-President and Bingo Coordinator. As the Bingo Coordinator since 2013, Fred has raised $42,000 which has been used to dozens of member and leader opportunities, along with association and club expenses.
“Fred’s leadership style allows members to develop confidence. Our youngest Brian was afraid of using a saw and was very worried about going to his first woodworking meeting but came home ready and eager to return because Fred gave him the opportunity to be successful,” says Mary Catherine O’Neill, 4-H leader and parent.
Fred has also been part of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 580 for 31 years, over which time he has held many executive positions including Membership Chair, Ways and Means Chair, Bar Chair and Bingo Chair. In addition, Fred shares his expertise in building projects and plays a very important role in keeping the Legion open and in good repair.
Thank you Fred for all that you have done for 4-H in Northumberland County, We are very lucky to have you!