Join us as we learn about how to cut, piece and assemble some basic quilt tops and learn how to machine quilt them. In addition we will try our luck at mastering some hand quilting and visit a local quilt guild. Our goal for 2025 is to introduce the basic aspects of the art of quilting and have the participating youth become comfortable with machines and tools associated with the art of quilting.

Quilting Project
Experts say the art of quilting is over 5,000 years old. This time-honoured tradition still flourishes today and is one of the best ways to show skill, creativity and planning all at once.
Chatham-Kent 4-H Association
4-H is dedicated to the personal development of youth while providing a positive impact on volunteers and communities in Ontario and in Chatham-Kent.
Meeting Location
Club Leaders
Andrea Winter, Rianne de Brouwer, Carol Verstrate
This project manual is used as reference and project activities and learning outcomes may vary.
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