Purpose/goals of Mini Tractor Pulling project
Members will need to find a lawn tractor fitting the requirements for OTTPA Garden tractor pulling division rules (recommended stock class or stock altered classes) but if above the age of 14 can move into higher horsepower classes.
Safety requirements will be put in place following OTTPA rules: Closed toed shoes, long pants, DOC helmet, and fire suit for required classes. Learn how to maintain their pull tractor.
Project Requirements
Each member will be encouraged to be creative with their tractors including, names, paint, decals, etc. Members are encouraged to attend various OTTPA pulls BUT ONLY REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE PULL AND ACHIEVEMENT DAY. (All pulls will be listed on the OTTPA Garden tractor Pulling website.) Members must attend the wellington county judging competition held in July. All members must attend achievement day at Erin Fall Fair, unless other arrangement is put in place with leaders.
Learning Objectives
- How to drive your tractor (leaning, steering, break control, gear selection)
- How to maintain your tractor
- Oil changing/basic engine maintenance
- Tire changing, why different PSI work on different tracks
- Where to hang weights on the tractor and why
- Shop tour of someone who builds engines or tractors
- Safely operate pull tractor on and off the pull track
This club was mentioned at the OTTPA GTPD meeting and they will support us as much as they can.
Possible guest speakers/shops to tour
Jeff McClellan (builds own tractors including bodies and engines)
Brandon Mauro (Ottpa Garden tractor division presedent, builds engines)
Cody Goodjohn (built engine/own tractor, and mechanic at Stewarts equipment)
Achievement day at Erin Fall Fair Garden tractor pull
- Can either become an OTTPA member or just pay for the day pass for each pull they attend, but full membership is encouraged for price reasons
- Can either compete in OTTPA point classes or in Non-circuit local class.
Meeting 1
- Election of club officers
- Outline of the club/requirements
- Expectations for completion of the club
- Show a few tractors for members to get inspiration/ideas of what to pull
Meeting 2
- Tour of shop of someone who builds engines and or pull tractors
- Guest speaker will show machines and tools used to make them
- Can have Q&A about tractors
- Disassemble engine, and see common issues or upgrades for pulling
- Name parts as a group
- Basic tractor maintenance
- Tire changing
- Oil change
Meeting 3
- Driving obstacle course
- Learn how to maneuver tractor on/off the track
- Relay race style
- Practice backing up to sled
- Learn about gear selection for different tracks
- Tech tractors to fit in with OTTPA rules
Meeting 4
- Tour local tractor dealership shop/plant
- Learn about jobs with small engines
- Q&A
Meeting 5
- Attend a pull as a club (Milton steam era) but can be decided at the first meeting
- Will pull in either OTTPA points classes or in non-circuit local class
- Members will be encouraged to volunteer at pull such as
- Flagging
- Scales
- Announcing
Meeting 6
- Have members come up with an idea they want to do as a last meeting before the achievement day
Locally Submitted Projects
Wellington 4-H Association
4-H is a non-profit positive youth development organization that spans 70 countries across the world and 10 provinces across the country. Wellington 4-H offers a diverse range of clubs each year to help build youth as leaders for our community and assets to the world. Come see what 4-H is all about in Wellington County!
Meeting Location
Sign-up Information
Email Ashley McClellan @ashleymcclellan778@icloud.com
Put on 4h app?
Club Leaders
Ashley McClellan, Ashleigh Esford (is applying to become screened volunteer before club starts)
This project manual is used as reference and project activities and learning outcomes may vary.
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