KLH 4-H Market Steer Club for 2025
Members wishing to join the club can contact Cheryl Crowe at cheryl.crowe@sympatico.ca or Julie Cameron at cameronjacp@gmail.com for more information or attend the 1st meeting on November 13th. Since this is a new club for our association we will be going over expectations at the 1st meeting, so even if you are unsure, please attend and find out what it is all about. A Zoom option could be available for those members who are away from home right now, just let us know. Achievement Day show and sale will be held with the Victoria Beef Farmers BBQ, The confirmed date is TBD but hopefully 2nd weekend of Aug.

Beef Project
Kawartha Lakes Haliburton 4-H Association
KLH (Kawartha Lakes Haliburton) offer agricultural based and life skill based projects. All clubs are open to all participants (Urban, rural and farm).
Meeting Location
Little Britain
Club Leaders
Cheryl Crowe, Julie Cameron
This project manual is used as reference and project activities and learning outcomes may vary.
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