We are starting a 4-H square dance club to dance at the College Royal competition (Saturday, March 15th) at the University of Guelph (all day event). This competition will be the achievement day for the club and is a required event.Practises will be at Speedside United Church, 6:30 to 8:30 pmMeetings are:Sunday Jan 19, Sunday Jan 26, Sunday Feb 2, Sunday March 2, Thursday, March 6, Sunday March 9thDancers must bring indoor shoes and a water bottle to meetings.For competition dancers require:Males: black dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes, the club supplies shirtsFemales: black flat dance shoes, black shorts, the club supplies crinolines, skirts and shirtsto register please contact Theresa at p.t.knierim@gmail.com

Old-Fashioned Square Dancing Project
Get up, get moving and get dancing! Sometimes old traditions are the most fun, so come see why square dancing has been popular for centuries.
Wellington 4-H Association
4-H is a non-profit positive youth development organization that spans 70 countries across the world and 10 provinces across the country. Wellington 4-H offers a diverse range of clubs each year to help build youth as leaders for our community and assets to the world. Come see what 4-H is all about in Wellington County!
Meeting Location
Club Leaders
Theresa Knierim, Paul Knierim, Joanna Kent
Youth Participant 9-21
Spots Available
This project manual is used as reference and project activities and learning outcomes may vary.
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