Love comes in various forms. There’s companionship, friendship, romantic love and family bonds. Of course, there’s also the love that comes with caring for and nurturing animals. The relationships people form with animals are unique and special. Animal ownership is a sometimes difficult, but always rewarding task. For many, owning an animal allows for better self understanding, and the various experiences one goes through with their animal fuels personal growth and maturation. This was definitely the case for 4-H Member, Holly Brown. Holly is the oldest Member in the Haldimand 4-H Minature Horse Club. Last year, Holly took on a challenging task to set a good example for younger Members and inspire them to challenge themselves in 4-H. Instead of using her well-trained miniature gelding for the Club’s practice horse show, Holly choose to work with her completely untrained two year old filly. Read on to hear Holly’s account of this experience. Enjoy! ___________________________________________________________________________
August 6 came too fast; I was worried that we weren’t ready. All these young Members were watching me, looking up to me; they knew that they could learn fro me, what if I made a complete fool of myself? First class was mine, the senior showmanship class; all the young Members were at the sidelines watching. And then something clicked in my little filly and everything I had tried to teach her she actually did learn! She was wonderful, we did our pattern perfectly. Not one mistake, the best I had ever done with any horse. We did it, all my hard work had paid off. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had. We received first place and the judge had wonderful comments for me. I’m so proud of my hard work with my feisty filly. The above excerpt was written by Holly Brown. Holly is a senior 4-H Member in the Haldimand Association. She has been in 4-H for seven years and has completed 15 projects. Holly’s project interests are horses and rabbits.