
Volunteer Awards

Our dedicated volunteers are the foundation of the 4-H program, and recognizing our volunteers through awards for their contributions and commitment to 4-H Ontario is our way of saying thank you for the hard work and commitment to 4-H youth and the 4-H program in Ontario.

There are 4 different levels of awards recognition for 4-H Ontario Volunteers:

The Volunteer Recognition Program celebrates 4-H Ontario volunteers’ years of service. Each 4-H Ontario volunteer receives a certificate of appreciation and pin for their first year of volunteering. Further recognition is given at five year increments. Milestone recognition starts at 20 years of service, and for every five year increment thereafter, at which time volunteers receive beautiful crystal keepsakes to commemorate their volunteer service at their local awards event.


Gay Lea Foods Co-operative logoThe Outstanding New 4-H Volunteer Award, sponsored by Gay Lea Foods Cooperative Ltd, recognize volunteers who are new to 4-H and doing great things within their local programming. The award celebrates those club leaders who have been with 4-H Ontario for five years or less.

Nominations are accepted from across the province, with only one nomination accepted per Association. One award will be given out per region.

Application Deadline: June 30, 2025

Nomination Form

4-H Ontario is proud to present the 4-H Ontario Arbor Awards. 4-H Ontario values the hard work, dedication and talent that volunteers bring to the program. Their service is instrumental in 4-H Ontario’s success. Volunteers are nominated by their local Associations, and recipients are chosen by a committee of past recipients.

This award is open to all past participants who have positively impacted 4-H in Ontario and have served the organization for over 10 years (this includes both club leaders and non-traditional volunteers). Nominees must have shown significant leadership, initiative and made a positive impact on 4-H at various levels (club, local, regional, provincial and/or national). Nominees’ involvement in other community activities and organizations is also strongly considered. Only one nomination per Association will be accepted.

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2025

Nomination Form

Please note, The nomination form for the Arbor Award requires:

  • Basic contact information for the nominee,
  • Information pertaining to the nominee’s 4-H history and involvement,
  • 3 letters of support; 2 from individuals who have worked with the nominee in the 4-H program and 1 from an individual who has worked with the nominee in another volunteer organization.

This award is offered through the Canadian 4-H Council. Sponsored by the Co-operators the 4-H National Volunteer Leader of the Year Award, the National Volunteer Leader of the Year Award recognizes the volunteer leaders who are the biggest champions of the 4-H program! With their support and guidance, 4-H members receive outstanding experiences and skills that help them continue to be responsible, caring and contributing youth who are positively impacting the world around them is presented annually.

4-H members can show their appreciation and nominate a club leader for this prestigious award!

Nominations will be accepted in Fall 2025 through 4-H Canada and should be submitted directly to 4-H Canada at apply.4-h-canada.ca.

For more information on nomination process and the awards, please contact the Canadian 4-H Council at 613.234.4448 or visit www.4-h-canada.ca.

Sponsored by CIBC