
Club Resources

Youth and volunteers standing in front of tractor with sugarbeets

Here you will find a variety of resources to support mental health awareness. They can be used in many different ways to support your personal mental health, to promote conversation and to even support club meeting activities. There is so much to explore, and we hope that you’ll get great use out of them.

Resources have been compiled into the following four categories:

    1. Icebreakers

    1. Led Activities

    1. Reflection Pages

    1. Information and Resources


The Taking Your Mental Health to Heart project was developed in 2021 by 4-H Ontario with the support of Trillium Mutual Insurance.

Welcome to the Virtual Resource Library!

This bank of recourses has been developed to help 4-H Ontario volunteers in running virtual programming.   Below you will see project area themes, click the drop-down menu to explore resources relevant to your project. We’d encourage you to look through other areas too, as these resources have been developed to cover many topic areas. Below we have detailed the types of resources available:

  • Virtual Activity Guides: Links to Digital Resources, Speaker Ideas, Achievement Day Ideas, Virtual Activity Ideas & Examples.
  • Tips & Tricks – Quick Ideas and Thoughts to spark creativity and ideas for virtual programming.
  • Templates & How to Guides – Practical tools and resources to download and customize for virtual project delivery.

These resources were created with support from The Ontario Trillium Fund, Resilient Communities Grant.