4-H Awards

4-H Awards are our way of inspiring, motivating and – most of all – rewarding our dedicated youth.

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Older youth standing around table with younger youth, teaching kids an activity

Longstanding Graduating Member Award

The Longstanding Graduating Member Award is awarded to current and active 4-H Ontario graduating participants who have completed clubs in at least five of the last seven years, including their graduating year. Through this award, associations are able to choose an award for each participant that best suits the recipient and will be a memento of their 4-H experience.

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Dr. Tim Henshaw Award of Excellence

EastGen has recently established an annual cash award for youth in honour and memory of the late Dr. Tim Henshaw. As a veterinarian with EastGen, Dr. Henshaw dedicated 40 years of his career and played a huge role in EastGen and 4-H Ontario’s three annual livestock events. He supported these events by conducting calf health/wellness checks, providing education sessions and making show announcements.

In addition, Dr. Henshaw supported and encouraged many dairy youth in the EastGen area and served many farm families and their herds for multiple generations during his career. This award will recognize those who reflect Dr. Henshaw’s qualities of enthusiasm, communication, leadership, encouragement and a devotion to serving others and are already making strides to become future leaders in the dairy industry and their own communities. 

The rules regarding this award are:

  • A nomination form must be filled out for each nominee – there is no limit to the number of nominees per association.
  • The nomination must be made by a 4-H Ontario leader (parents can not nominate their children).
  • EastGen employee relatives are not eligible.
  • Nominee must be participating in one of the three 2024 EastGen / 4-H Ontario youth shows (EastGen Showcase, EastGen Challenge West or EastGen Challenge East).
  • Please keep the nomination confidential to the nominee.

The award winners, chosen among nominee finalists participating at one of the three Ontario shows, will each receive a $750 cash award. The deadline to nominate youth for this award is June 24, 2024 at 4 p.m., and completed nomination forms must be submitted to tara.reynolds@eastgen.ca. The nomination form can be downloaded here.

If you have questions, please email the EastGen Marketing and Communications Specialist at tara.reynolds@eastgen.ca.

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4-H Ontario Award of Achievement

The 4-H Ontario Award of Achievement is awarded to participants who have completed 24 projects and a minimum of five years as a participant. Recipients of the 4-H Ontario Award of Achievement receive a framed limited-edition print.

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4-H Ontario Youth Leader Award

This award recognizes the great leaders of 4-H. The 4-H Ontario Youth Leader Award is awarded to active 4-H participants who complete a club youth leader project and all of its eligibility requirements.

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