
Information for Parents

Everything you need to know before enrolling your child in 4-H Ontario.

Kids planting trees

The 4-H Program and Your Child

4-H Ontario is dedicated to the personal development of youth while creating a positive impact on communities around the province. With the help and expertise of dedicated 4-H Volunteers and staff, your child will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop self confidence, a sense of responsibility and a positive self-image in a safe and encouraging environment
  • Build skills in communication, leadership, problem-solving and goal-setting
  • Learn about almost anything through Club Projects, including arts, technology, agriculture, nutrition, sports, drama and everything in between

The 4-H Program and You

While there are many ways parents can assist 4-H Ontario, the most important one is quite simple: encourage and support your child!

Like with most things, youth in the 4-H program get what they put in. That’s where parents can act as the secret weapon to help ensure a positive attitude and experience.

If you’d like to get involved in other ways, our Club Leaders always appreciate things like the following:

  • Host a Club meeting at your home
  • Provide snacks at a Club meeting
  • Lend a hand at meetings, the Achievement Program, or other 4-H events
  • Share your knowledge and expertise – we believe everyone is good at something!

Safety First

Providing your child with a safe and encouraging environment is our top priority. 4-H Ontario has thorough screening and training policies for all Volunteers and staff. Learn more about our policies and our volunteer screening and training process.

Staying Connected to the 4-H Program

Once your child has joined 4-H, he or she will receive a 4-H Ontario Membership Card and information about 4-H opportunities. Your family will also begin receiving the 4-H magazine, Leadership in Action. We release the magazine twice a year and it holds a ton of great information about what’s happening in the world of 4-H, including activities, events and opportunities that are available for your child to participate in.

Learn more about how your child can get involved

Getting Your Child Excited About 4-H

We know saying “You’ll gain self confidence and life skills” isn’t the best way to pitch anything to your child. So, while true, we recommend a slightly different approach. Talk to your child about all the new hobbies they can try, from photography, to pizza making, to gardening (topics they don’t learn about in school!). Not only that, they will meet and get to know like-minded youth in their area, often resulting in lifelong friendships.

Most importantly, your child will be able to “Learn To Do By Doing” in a friendly and encouraging environment where they can explore their thoughts and ideas knowing that making an effort is what matters most.