These learning opportunities serve to inspire and invigorate 4-H Ontario volunteers while providing a forum to share ideas and best practices and find out how we can support each other as the 4-H family of staff and volunteers. E-symposiums are open to all 4-H volunteers and youth directors. Participants will be required to connect via Zoom Conferencing and, for maximum engagement, have a functional webcam on their computer. Symposium attendance is capped at 20 participants. Advanced registration is required a minimum of one week in advance of the symposium date. Details on how to connect to the e-symposium will be sent to participants in advance of the session.
*A minimum of six participants are required for each e-symposium.
2024 Schedule of E-Symposium Conferences:
Date | Topic |
So You’re a 4-H Volunteer, What Next? – A check-in with recently accepted new volunteers | |
Looking at the Bigger 4-H Picture | |
Debunking Local Events | |
The Many Methods to Deliver Club Content | |
Rocking, Respecting, and Representing the 4-H Brand | |
So You’re a 4-H Volunteer, What Next? – A check-in with recently accepted new volunteers | |
3 T’s on Livestock Clubs and Events; Tips, Tricks and Tools | |
New Volunteer Information | |
Check Out The LMS! | |
September 23, 2024 | BONUS: What’s New in 4-H Volunteerism. |
October 21, 2024 | BONUS: Building Safe and Inclusive Spaces – Learn to create safe spaces through mental health and inclusion. |
Register for an E-Symposium here!
Our appreciation to our Supporters Grenville Mutual & Farm Credit Canada
The 4-H Ontario Volunteer Re-Engagement Process
Our “Learn To Do By Doing” philosophy is true for 4-H Ontario volunteers as much as it is for youth. The volunteer re-engagement process serves as a check-in with fellow volunteers and 4-H Ontario staff. It is part of on-going education and support of volunteers to ensure the safety of all the youth participants and volunteers, as well as the quality of the 4-H program.
Re-engagement is a three-part process, and all three elements are required to be completed every three years prior to a common expiry date.
- Participation in a re-engagement learning opportunity through an in-person, live webinar, or self-directed session. See details below.
- Police checks (specifically, a criminal record and judicial matters check). Volunteers will be provided the appropriate documentation and links for completing an online police check before expiring.
- Completion of the child protection refresher course via the self-directed web-based session.
Additionally, volunteers are obligated to complete the annual volunteer participation form every year. Completion of this form will cue the delivery of volunteer participant cards for those who are in good standing.
Completion of 4-H Ontario club registration forms, activity plans, membership lists, completion lists, etc. are also necessary for programs and events in which volunteers are engaged.
Volunteer Re-Engagement Learning Opportunities
4-H Ontario offers a wide variety of learning opportunities for volunteers throughout the year.
Volunteers must attend a re-engagement learning opportunity every three years at minimum, but are welcome to attend as many learning opportunities as they wish. Several options are offered throughout the year, including:
- Attendance at a local 4-H association annual general meeting staff-led re-engagement learning opportunity. (Check with your local 4-H association or Coordinator, Volunteer Support).
- Participation in a live E-Symposium via webinar.
- Partaking in a 4-H Ontario Volunteer Conference workshop and completing a survey following the event.
- Taking in a local association-requested learning opportunity on a topic of interest to volunteers in that 4-H association, as requested by the local 4-H association board of directors and led by local volunteer support staff.
- Participation in an Agriculture Wellness Ontario mental health workshop, provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association and completing a survey following the event.
- Completion of a web-based self-directed learning opportunity.