It’s time to meet our third and final Syngenta 4-H Ontario Arbor Award recipient, Brian O’Neill. 4-H is one of Brian’s true passions in life and it certainly shows. He works tirelessly to ensure every one of his 4-H’rs has the best experience possible. You will be absolutely amazed by his passion and dedication for 4-H. Without further ado . . . ____________________________________________________________________________ Brian O’Neill: The “Go-To-Guy” Brian O’Neill is a quiet hardworking dedicated 4-H Leader who truly loves the Members he works with and the 4-H program itself. Brian was a 4-H Member for seven years and he’s been volunteering with 4-H Ontario for the past 21 years. 4-H is one of Brian’s passions and he lives the 4-H Motto and it’s principles each and every day. Brian has devoted countless hours to the organization. He’s led multiple livestock Clubs and is well known in his community for going above and beyond to enable every Member to participate in Clubs and shows. He is often found in spring time spending all his extra time finding calves for each 4-H’r to show.

Brian has also taken on numerous Grey 4-H Association executive Volunteer positions including Association Representative, Director, President and Vice President. Within his Association, he is known as the go-to-guy for any information, assistance or guidance related to 4-H. He is positive and productive and wants everyone to benefit from the program. In addition to his role in the Grey Association, Brian is also involved in numerous committees. His committee work is mainly focused on 4-H Dairy shows and his efforts have been instrumental in providing Members the opportunity to formally utilize their showmanship skills. In the past, he was a volunteer coach for curling and t-ball as well. His love for the 4-H program and his passion for helping youth grow into confident citizens continues to be the driving force behind his hours of dedication and hard work. “Being able to see young members blossom and continue to grow knowing that 4-H and your encouragement has got them where they are really makes the volunteer experience,” shared Brian.
“Being able to see young members blossom and continue to grow knowing that 4-H and your encouragement has got them where they are really makes the volunteer experience,” shared Brian.
When Brian is not volunteering he can be found spending time with his wife Shelley, his two children, and his grandsons. Like Deborah Brown, Brian also has 4-H Ontario to thank for meeting his wife; they met at a dairy competition and they have been together for 30 years.

All of Brian’s volunteer contributions are done without wanting or needing accolades. As a Member, the 4-H program touched his life and he wants to provide youth with the same opportunities he had. “Volunteering is an opportunity to pay back to an organization that I got a lot out of,” he explains.
“Volunteering is an opportunity to pay back to an organization that I got a lot out of,” he explains.
Brian is a true inspiration. His Members, Association and the whole of 4-H Ontario are grateful for his altruistic nature.