O, the month of November, such a marvelous time to celebrate 4-H pride. With 4-H Month and National “Show Your 4-H Colours Day”, there is no shortage of opportunities to sport some green and scream your love for 4-H from the mountain tops, figuratively speaking of course. This past month, 4-H love was buzzing all across the province. 4-H member Victoria Kyle from Brant and her friend Elizabeth Bruce from Oxford put a 4-H spin on the University of Guelph’s tradition of painting the cannon in the center of campus. On November 7, they fully decorated the cannon in 4-H green for “Show Your 4-H Colours Day”.
Sudbury 4-H also got their green on with a 4-H Month celebration party featuring a custom made Dairy Queen ice cream cake. They would like to extend a big thanks to Dairy Queen, J.J. and Tina Anderson for donating the cake.
In the 4-H Ontario provincial office, Executive Director Wraychel Horne was rocking some edgy green hair to show her 4-H pride.
Wraychel sported green highlights for the entire month of November. You can read more about the story behind the hair here >. And, of course, the 4-H Ontario staff all rocked their green on “Show Your 4-H Colours Day”.
On a national level, on November 7, adorned in green, the Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz declared November 7 as National 4-H Day. He was quoted on Farms.com saying “We have a long history of supporting 4-H clubs across Canada and I am proud to show my 4-H pride today and every day. I encourage every Canadian to support Canada’s youth by wearing green this November 7.” What a great month for 4-H! It was amazing to see 4-H’rs across the country unite to collectively show their 4-H pride.