The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program provides youth with advanced level training in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations. Ambassadors put their energy and 4-H experiences to work recruiting new members and sharing the 4-H story. Throughout 2015, each of 4-H Ontario’s six Ambassadors will submit blog entries about their experiences in the program. The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program is proudly sponsored by GROWMARK, Inc. and UPI Energy LP. For more info on the Ambassador program click here. To book an Ambassador for you event please complete the request form. Submitted by Nic Willemsma, 4-H Ontario Youth Ambassador from Chatham-Kent 4-H Association
Hello! my name is Nic Willemsma, and I have the honour of representing 4-H Ontario as a 2015 Ambassador. I live in Kingsville, one of the most southern towns in Canada, where I work on a neighbour’s dairy farm. I am currently taking the Social Media Program online through Algonquin College, and I plan on using what I learn from this program to promote agriculture and 4-H.
I have been a 4-H member for 10 years and have been able to attend many 4-H camps and opportunities that 4-H has to offer including Career Mania, Provincial Exchange Trip, National 4-H Members’ Conference, PLC (Provincial Leadership Camp), and FLIA (Future Leaders In Action). Without the help of volunteer facilitators 4-H would not be able to run these great opportunities. Earlier this month (June) I attended my first event as as a 4-H Ambassador and was able to help facilitate Discovery Days in Region 6 and see the other side of a 4-H camp.
Back in 2013 one of my 4-H leaders recommended that I go to this 4-H camp that took place over March break called PLC. I had never been to a 4-H camp before and little did I know that it was going to be one of the best weeks I have ever had. After returning home from PLC I started looking up what other 4-H opportunities I could go to. Later that year I attended Career Mania and last year I attended FLIA and the National 4-H Members’ Conference.
Through these opportunities I have been able to meet and network with 4-H leaders and 4-H’ers from across Ontario and Canada. I am looking forward to meeting more people and sharing with them the great opportunities 4-H has to offer for members and even non-members