The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program provides youth with advanced level training in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations. Ambassadors put their energy and 4-H experiences to work recruiting new members and sharing the 4-H story. Throughout 2016, each of 4-H Ontario’s six Ambassadors will submit blog entries about their experiences in the program. The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program is proudly sponsored by GROWMARK, Inc. and UPI Energy LP. For more info on the Ambassador program click here. To book an Ambassador for you event please complete the request form. Submitted by Sadie-Jane Hickson, 4-H Ontario Youth Ambassador from Kawartha Lakes-Halliburton 4-H Association For me, one of the most rewarding things about the 4-H program has been the opportunities to attend camps and conferences. I have learned so much during the education sessions, and can say I have met some of the most amazing and inspirational 4-H’ers ever. The 4-H program gives youth the opportunity to attend regional, provincial, national, and even international camps, conferences, exchanges and trips. These activities give youth the chance to meet and to connect with motivated and enthusiastic 4-H’ers. Having returned from Youth Adventure Camp (YAC), midway through August, I have learned a bit more about how to prepare for a 4-H camp and feel these are some things to remember to bring: Rain gear– Mother Nature always has a way of surprising you. It’s important to be prepared for anything, specifically rain in the summer months. While an umbrella or rain coat are handy to have, I recommend rubber boots or “crocs” for your feet and a rain poncho; embrace the bright yellow poncho and have fun with it! A water bottle– Staying hydrated is always important, so you can participate in every activity! Camp songs– When you’re at a campfire or in the dining hall, camp songs are always great to have. I know it’s always appreciated when a camper wants to lead a song WITH ACTIONS in front of the group and you always need songs for someone to sing when they have their elbows on the table. Your NAME TAG– Nobody ever wants to embarrass anyone at camp, BUT it is always important to wear your name tag, so that everything runs smoothly. Name tags are important for sorting campers into groups and staying organized. Plaid– This is a mistake I have made a couple times at camp. It is always a good idea to bring a plaid shirt to 4-H camp, no matter what type of camp it is. At some point during the camp you will want to be wearing plaid. Two-stepping anybody? Anything funky! – I know this is also something I have just learned! Bringing something unique to wear is always fun. During one of the sessions, or at a meal, it’s nice to make the people around you smile with your amazingly bright knee-high socks. A watch– It is so important to always be on time when you are at camp! Always try your best to not be the last person to the meeting place, or you may end up singing “Brown Squirrel”! A spoon– There will be a time during camp that a game of spoons will break out. It cannot be stopped. Do your best to be armed with a spoon at all times, but if you aren’t, I know there is a big box full of them travelling in the 4-H Ontario games box. Your favourite pillow– It’s the pillow you can’t sleep without, and always get the best night’s sleep with… Bring this so that you can fall asleep quickly when the facilitators say “Lights Out!” so you don’t get caught chatting. Plus, you will definitely need your sleep for the next day. Smiles! – This may be the most important thing to remember to always have with you at camp, (besides your name tag). A smile makes you easier to talk to from a facilitator point of view, and makes you more approachable to campers! Always try your best to meet new people at camp; you won’t regret it, and you’ll make friends for life!