Written By: Sara Harper On June 30th the Wellington Farmers Market of Prince Edward County had a couple of very special guests attend, Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall. The visit was arranged because Prince Charles is huge supporter of sustainable agriculture. The market is located at the parking lot of Wellington United Church. The local 4-H club was approached by the market developer, Louise McFaul, to bring their milkshake booth to offer samples during the visit. The club had some troubles getting their booth to the market so they improvised by making them inside the church and then bringing them to the booth space. Premier Kathleen Wynne was the official hostess for the Royals. Many other politicians were in attendance bringing congratulations of celebrating Canada 150 and the role of First Nations in developing Canada. Other leaders included: Mohawk Chief R. Donald, MP Neil Ellis, Ontario Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeff Leal with many other local and regional politicians. Each booth had a dignitary to welcome the Royals. Lou Rinaldi, MPP for Northumberland-Quinte West, and his wife were stationed at the 4-H booth. During their visit, the Royals were served cake, ice cream and berries while talking with representatives from the church and community members. Afterwards, the Royals split up in order to be able to speak with all of the vendors. The Duchess ended up speaking with the 4-H’ers where she asked them about their projects and was interested in learning about the Cloverbud program. 4-H Leader, Lynn Ward, offered the Duchess a 4-H pin which she accepted. Other 4-H representatives present were Lynn’s husband Don, 4-H Council President Brad Found and 4-H staff member Megan Burnside. Despite the extra security of the Ontario Provincial Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Royalty and Specialist Protection, it was a very relaxed and fun environment.