Over the years 4-H has played a very important part in the lives of Susan and Doug Cameron. Both have been involved in 4-H, first as members and later as leaders and are still actively volunteering with Chatham-Kent 4-H Association. Susan has led cooking, gardening, sewing, canning, outdoors and woodworking clubs. She has also served on the county board of directors and led a 4-H provincial exchange. Doug was a 4-H member for many years and he became a leader of the woodworking club 12 years ago. They have three children, all of whom spent many wonderful years in the 4-H program learning new skills and taking advantage of the many opportunities available through 4-H. Having been involved with 4-H through their children and as leaders, they have seen the youth become more confident, more helpful with younger members and proud of their accomplishments. Susan and Doug would like to see the 4-H program continue so other young people, both urban and rural, can reap the benefits of 4-H. They know that by creating the Susan and Doug Cameron Endowment Fund held with the Ontario 4-H Foundation, they will help to make that possible. The fund will help support the programs and activities of 4-H throughout the province.