The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program provides youth with advanced level training in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations. Ambassadors put their energy and 4-H experiences to work recruiting new members and sharing the 4-H story. Throughout 2018, each of 4-H Ontario’s Ambassadors will submit blog entries about their experiences in the program. To book an Ambassador for your local event click here. The 4-H Ontario Ambassador Program is sponsored by FS. Submitted by Kyle Nussey, 4-H Ontario Youth Ambassador from Oxford 4-H Association
Where Have I Gone, Where Will I Go?
This year has been one to remember and something that has taken me down a path that I never imagined being a part of. 4-H has done a lot for me and I will continue to grow with 4-H and take whatever opportunities that I can to better myself and become the person that I want to be. This year as an ambassador I have attended a variety of events that have helped to improve my leadership abilities and understand the value and work that goes into developing 4-H programs. My favourite events to attend out of the numerous I went to were Career Mania and the National Members Forum. At Career Mania I had the opportunity to facilitate a provincial 4-H camp and help shape tomorrows youth. This opportunity to make a difference on upcoming 4-H members was important to me and helped me to realize the passion I have for leadership and continuing to be involved with 4-H. In the future I would love to keep giving my time to 4-H and participating in the facilitation of these camps. They have changed who I am as a person and impacted the things that I do today so that I may continue doing great things for myself and others.