2020 4-H Ontario Ambassador hopes for the year
Hi all my name is James Gilchrist and I am one of the 2020 4-H Ontario Ambassadors. I have been in 4-H since I was 10 making this my 12th and final year of 4-H. During my time in 4-H I have completed about 25 clubs. Every year I have completed a Dairy Calf project, but I have also completed an assortment of other clubs such as demo derby, explore 4-H, a variety of life skills projects, plowing, tractor safety and sporting chance. After my first provincial leadership camp, Future Leaders in Action (FLIA), I came back wanting to get more involved in 4-H whether it’s on a club level as a youth leader or a provincial level like becoming a 4-H Ontario Ambassador.
Hopes for the year as a 4-H Ontario Ambassador
During my year as a 4-H Ontario Ambassador I really want to get out to interact with the with the community, to let the public learn about 4-H and help the 4-H community become more passionate about 4-H. I’m really excited about all the events that have been booked for the ambassadors so far and those that are still coming in. There are several events coming up that I’m very excited for such as the Discovery Days in Emo (Region 1) as it will be the farthest west I have traveled in Canada. I will get to see what 4-H is like for those in northern Ontario. As well I’m pumped for the FS golf tournament in June because it will be the first golf tournament I have ever attended. I will get to meet the sponsors and learn more about FS. Another thing I am eager to see while attending camps and events is to get to see the next generation of 4-H members. Hopefully I can help ignite their love and dedication to 4-H much like the camps and facilitators of the camps that I attended did for me.
Along with the camps and events we will be attending as 4-H Ontario Ambassadors, we need to complete a community engagement project. This project is meant for 4-H Ontario Ambassadors to get out in our communities to make a difference and to promote 4-H and what its about. I have several ideas in mind for my community engagement project, but you will have to stay tuned to see what it is I will be doing New this year, the 4-H Ontario Ambassadors will be on Instagram and I can say that we are all super excited about it. We will be chronicling our lives as 4-H Ontario Ambassadors and keeping you up to date on where we’ve been, what we have done. Please check us out on Instagram @4honambassaors