Show Your 4-H Colours
Hey All,
It’s me, James Gilchrist, writing to you again. If you do not know me, I am one of the 2020 4-H Ontario Ambassadors. I am from the Niagara region and have been in 4-H for 10 years!
November is an important month for 4-H, especially this year with all that is going on with COVID-19, because it is Show Your 4-H Colours month!
Showing Your 4-H Colours was established in 2007, to celebrate everything 4-H and as well as, an opportunity to give back to the organization. Every November 4-H members, leaders, alumni, and supporters put on their 4-H green and celebrate the achievements and impacts the community and programs have made in Canada and beyond.
Showing Your 4-H Colours throughout the month of November, helps to highlight the incredible things that 4-H and the incredible youth are doing within their regions and communities. As well as, showing how the 4-H programming creates responsible, caring, contributing and strong young leaders.
Due to COVID-19, without any of the in-person events that we normally enjoy, this year we need to show off our 4-H spirt whatever way we can. We can do this through social media and in our daily lives to show that we are still an active part of our community by showing our 4-H spirt and resourcefulness. I usually like to show my 4-H Colours by helping out at our 4-H banquet or in our food booth. But this year I am showing my spirit by trying out as many clubs as I can. Please put on your GREEN, 4-H logos, shirts, hats, socks, ties, and coats and let us show who we are.
If you want to know more visit the 4-H Canada website
I challenge you to post what you are doing to #ShowYour4HColours. This November put on your 4-H green and get out there on social media or while socially distancing and show your 4-H spirit.