ROCKWOOD, ONT. (November 24, 2021) – 4-H Ontario is pleased to announce Stormont 4-H Association as the winner of the 2021 Provincial Go For The Gold (GFTG) competition, held virtually on November 6. GFTG is a trivia style competition that empowers youth to learn about agriculture, food and community events while building their teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. The competition is sponsored by Ontario Mutuals.
“At Ontario Mutuals, we really do consider it a privilege to be able to support 4-H in a number of different ways. Go For the Gold is certainly a favourite of mine,” says John Taylor, President and CEO of Ontario Mutuals, competition sponsor. “The way everyone has persevered through going online has been great to see, as we have all had to do that. 4-H Ontario has certainly done a super job with the transition.”
The 2021 GFTG competition results are as follows:
First place – Stormont 4-H Association
Second place – Grey 4-H Association
Third place – Oxford 4-H Association
Fourth place – Wellington 4-H Association
Fifth place– Kawartha Lakes Haliburton 4-H Association
Stormont 4-H Association acknowledges their brilliant team members: Aimee Van Loon, Hamish McDonald, Bobby Robinson, Dougie Robinson, and Aurora Giroux, coached by Molly McDonald and Neil Robinson.
“The Stormont 4-H Go For The Gold team was pleased to represent their [Association] and Region 2 again this year for the Provincial Go For The Gold competition,” says Stormont 4-H Association President and GFTG Coach, Molly McDonald. “The Stormont competitors were eager and spent a lot of time preparing for the big day through topic revision, practice questions and Kahoot! games. On game day, the leader board was tight and anticipation high as the team awaited the final scores. When Stormont was announced as the first-place team, our players were overjoyed and excited to share the news with their family and friends.” Coaches Neil and Molly along with co-coaches Jill and Susanna are proud of the excellent teamwork, commitment, and enthusiasm of their team and are looking forward to next year’s competitions.
4-H Ontario recognizes youth and volunteers on their extensive knowledge of 4-H project materials, agriculture, food, community events and much more. GFTG 2021 was completely virtual at the provincial, regional, and local level, with over 250 youth participating. 4-H hosted the games using a virtual gaming platform (Kahoot!), and youth answered questions consisting of multiple choice, short answer, true and false and pop-up photo ID/word scrabble questions.
4-H Ontario would also like to thank the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (RAWF) for their continuous support as the GFTG competition is traditionally hosted at the RAWF. The RAWF and 4-H Ontario look forward to hosting an in-person GFTG competition in 2022.
About 4-H Ontario
4-H Ontario is a non-profit positive youth development organization that builds youth as leaders within their communities and assets to the world. With roots in rural Ontario, today it is open to youth of all backgrounds across the province. 4-H youth ages 6–21 and screened, engaged volunteer leaders come together to learn about selected topics through fun hands-on activities and mentorship. There are also provincial camps, conferences, competitions, and national and international travel opportunities available to further develop skills in leadership, business, self-confidence and more. 4-H provides youth with a place they can be involved, accepted, valued and heard while developing valuable skills for leadership and life.
For more information, please contact:
Laura Goulding, Manager, Communications, 4-H Ontario
About Ontario Mutuals
Ontario Mutuals is the overarching brand for 38 independent, 100% Canadian, property and casualty insurance companies across the province. Community based, mutual companies are owned and operated for the benefit of policyholders. There are no shareholders. Each mutual’s board of directors is elected from among the policyholders. Premiums, together with income from investments, are used to pay losses sustained by the policyholders as well as the expenses of running the company. Any excess surplus generated on a year-to-year basis either remains in the company’s surplus account for the benefit of the policyholders or may from time to time be refunded to policyholders.
It’s a concept of mutual trust, and has been the choice of many since the first mutual opened in 1856. The Ontario Mutuals brand is managed through its trade association OMIA, (Ontario Mutual Insurance Association) who develops marketing, communication, and consumer solutions for its member companies. OMIA has a rich history dating back more than 135 years.
Find out more at
For more information, please contact:
John Taylor, President and CEO, Ontario Mutuals