Ambassador Beat Blog
By Dougie Robinson
Hey everyone! It is that crazy time of year again when 4-H clubs of all kinds are starting. Fairs, judging nights, Go For The Gold competitions are popping up and 4-H campers are packing their suitcases. Many of my lifelong friendships have been made attending these different events over the years. I am very grateful for the opportunities and friendships that 4-H has given me. Here are my top FIVE secrets to making lifelong friendships in 4-H.
- Say, “YES”! If someone asks you to attend a club meeting, join a club or be on a team with them, go for it! When a 4-H camp flyer comes in the mail, pin it to the calendar and remind your parents to book your spot. These opportunities are the beginning to many lifelong 4-H friendships to come.
- Get Curious! Create conversation with members in your club. Ask questions about their interests, ideas, and lives. This can lead to some fun experiences like creating a float for a community parade, running a pizza booth at the local fair, or approaching your leaders about a new club idea you all have. When many minds get creative together anything is possible.
- Bring A Snack! Who doesn’t love a treat after a meeting? Another great way to build 4-H friendships…around the snack table. When electing your club executive suggest a “Snack Convenor.” This person would oversee creating a snack schedule for each meeting. This gives members a chance to be creative and share their favourite snacks with others. While allowing you the opportunity to try different foods. The best friendships and conversations are formed around food in my opinion.
- Provide a Service! Jump in the dish washing line after pizza club, help arrange or take down tables/chairs from a club event, grab a pitchfork and shake out straw for a bedding pack, offer to plant sunflower seeds along a fence line for community beautification, join with another community group to go Christmas Caroling through your village. These acts of kindness will help to build your lifelong friendships both within your 4-H family and your community.
- Ask For Support! Embrace these lifelong friendships by turning to your fellow 4-H members, leaders, and volunteers when you need support. If you are apprehensive about your first time going to camp, ask a fellow member to attend with you! The more the merrier! When you are applying for scholarships, bursaries or national events turn to your Leaders for guidance and references. If you have an idea or suggestion share it with your 4-H community and these lifelong friendships will help to make it happen.