GUELPH, ONT. (April 25, 2023) – 4-H Ontario is proud to announce the following 4-H projects have been updated and released in 2023: 4-H Breadventure Project, the 4-H Swine Project and the 4-H Veterinary Project. Each year, 4-H Ontario updates and/or develops new club projects to meet the current needs of youth; whether that be updating learning objectives and activities of existing 4-H projects or exploring entirely new topics through the development of new 4-H projects. The recent project updates, sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Grand River Agricultural Society and Grand Valley Fortifiers, will give youth the opportunity to learn more about the agriculture sector and their communities.
“Receiving sponsorship to update older project resources and also create new resources allows us to provide 4-H project resources with hands-on, current, relevant and meaningful knowledge and activities on a variety of topics of interest to 4-H participants. These resources allow 4-H participants to explore areas of interest to them, possibly helping to guide them towards a career in that area, all while building essential skills such as leadership, communication and critical thinking skills,” says Elizabeth Johnston, 4-H Ontario’s Programming and Resources Coordinator.
The 4-H Breadventure project has been updated and expanded to include a wider variety of recipes from various cultures as well as recipes that are mindful of dietary restrictions. The 4-H Swine Project update focuses on all aspects of swine management with animal welfare in mind at all times, featuring the latest research and advancements in the industry. The 4-H Veterinary project update expands on the original resource with updated veterinary health information of both farm and companion animals, also featuring the latest research and medical protocols to advance interests of 4-H participants in animal health and veterinary science. All 4-H projects encourage participants and volunteers to be an active part of the community and to make community connections by sharing knowledge learned through the various activities completed by each 4-H club.
Learn more about each of the updated club projects below.
4-H Breadventure Project
No matter where one lives in the world, the basic ingredients of flour, salt, often yeast, sometimes fat and sugar, and water, become transformed into what becomes the “staff of life” and a mainstay sustenance – bread. Techniques may vary as do cultural traditions; regardless, bread remains a constant in our lives. Bread ties people to their roots be it an Indigenous cornbread, a French baguette, an Italian focaccia, an Indian naan, a Jewish challah, a Mexican tortilla or an Irish soda bread and the list goes on. There is something about the joy and experience of making bread. Seeing the yeast grow. Feeling the softness and transformation that comes with handling and kneading dough. Smelling the aroma as the bread bakes. Connecting to the warmth and taste of fresh bread. The 4-H Breadventure Project will allow youth to experience all of this as they explore the world of bread. In this project, youth will learn the basic principles of bread making, how to buy and store flour and yeast, how to make a variety of breads and experiment with dozens of delicious recipes. The development of this project resource has been made possible through the support of funding provided by the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS).
4-H Swine Project
Whether raising a large barn full of hogs or a few, raising healthy pigs is the end goal. The 4-H Swine Project will provide youth with an opportunity to learn about all aspects of the swine industry. Raising livestock is not something a farmer can do alone. A farmer works with many other people to make the necessary decisions on how to best raise their animals. They work closely with their barn staff, other farmers, veterinarians, nutritionists, genetics companies, truck drivers, trades people and many others. The development of this project resource has been made possible through the support of funding provided by the Grand Valley Fortifiers.
4-H Veterinary Project
The 4-H Veterinary Project connects a love for animals with an interest in science. This project is a fun and interactive way to learn some of the basics of veterinary care. This project has the potential to be six different 4-H projects, all under the umbrella of veterinary care! Learning opportunities include the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, teeth, antlers, horns and hooves, circulatory and respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system and more, all while youth discover the many career opportunities in animal health and veterinary science. Whether participants would like to become a veterinarian or just want to learn more about their pet, this 4-H project provides the opportunity to learn all about animals. Participate in this project to see firsthand what it is like to work as a veterinarian or animal researcher! Become familiar with the field of veterinary medicine, learn about common diseases in both farm animals and pets and learn how to identify and prevent illnesses. The development of this project resource has been made possible through the support of funding provided by the Grand River Agricultural Society.
About 4-H Ontario
4-H Ontario is a non-profit positive youth development organization that builds youth as leaders within their communities and assets to the world. With roots in rural Ontario, today it is open to youth of all backgrounds across the province. 4-H youth ages 6–21 and screened, engaged volunteer leaders come together to learn about selected topics through fun hands-on activities and mentorship. There are also provincial camps, conferences, competitions and national and international travel opportunities available to further develop skills in leadership, business, self-confidence and more. 4-H provides youth with a place they can be involved, accepted, valued and heard while developing valuable skills for leadership and life.
For more information please contact:
Laura Goulding, Manager, Communications, 4-H Ontario