What is an Association?
When you join 4-H Ontario, you are connected to a group of 4-H’ers in your local area. In 4-H lingo, these groups are called 4-H “Associations”. Each Association belongs to the greater whole of 4-H Ontario and delivers the program to youth at the local level. Think “local chapters” or “groups”. Much of your 4-H experience will happen within your Association, but everyone is a 4-H Ontario participant and receives the provincial organization benefits including insurance coverage, programming, resource development and volunteer support.
For the purposes of managing the 4-H program, the province of Ontario is divided into six geographical regions. These six regions are then divided into geographical Associations. Each Region has a 4-H staff member called a Coordinator, Volunteer Support whose role is to support the Associations in their region. Each Association and Region has an elected Board of Directors that run the 4-H program in that area.