Dundas 4-H Association

Offering Clubs in Dundas County, Eastern Ontario (Winchester, Chesterville, Mountain, Morewood, Morrisburg, Iroquois and surrounding areas).

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Offering Clubs in Dundas County, Eastern Ontario (Winchester, Chesterville, Mountain, Morewood, Morrisburg, Iroquois and surrounding areas).

We have many different livestock and agricultural clubs, but we also have several life skills clubs available for youth ages 9 – 21. We do no offer a Cloverbud program (ages 6-8) at this time.


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Why 4H?

  • Participants learn and grow in leadership skills (HEAD)
  • Participants learn new life skills from volunteer leaders who like to see them achieve (HEALTH)
  • Many opportunities to give back to the community (HANDS)
  • Make new friends and build relationships (HEART)
