
Oxford 4-H Association

Welcome to 4-H in Oxford County!

Register Today

4-H is a youth development leadership program for ages 6-21 from urban & rural areas learning about health, environment, agriculture, food & communication in a hands on learning atmosphere delivered by screened & trained 4-H volunteers to become contributing citizens in their communities all while creating lasting friendships.

Our local volunteers, who are screened and trained, ensure the very best experience for our participants. Each club must have at least two screened and trained volunteers.

Come have some fun with us!!

Volunteers are always welcome!!


Go For The Gold: Oxford–July 23 at Salford Community Centre had 4 teams compete–GREAT JOB by all participants!!! It was an exciting final game with the score being 10 points difference before the last question—Congratulations to the Hickson 4-H Club team and Brooksdale ‘B’s’ team advancing to the Region 6 Go For The Gold on August 15th!!! Thank you to the North Oxford Dairy 4-H Club and Community 4-H Club teams for particpating in the Oxford GFTG!!! Thank you to the Brooksdale and Oxford Swine 4-H Clubs for organizing the event!!! Thank you to all the volunteers who were adjudicators, judges, score keepers and the parents & others who came to watch & support the youth!!! Thank you to Ontario Mutuals for the sponorship!!!

Go For The Gold: Region 6–August 15th, hosted by Lambton 4-H at Wyoming Fairgrounds

Oxford 4-H Judging/Critical Thinking Event–Saturday June 15

4-H Pancake Fundraiser at Jakeman’s Maple Products in Sweaburg. Pancake meals served to 1193 people by Oxford 4-H Youth with proceeds to the Oxford 4-H Clubs

Age of participant for membership & opportunities is based on age as of December 31

Bonds Dairy 4-H Club–contact T-J tj_hargreaves@yahoo.ca–next mtgs July 31/AD Aug 17

Brooksdale 4-H Club–contact Kaitlin kait.mckay12@gmail.com –Niche Crops next mtg TBD

Community 4-H Club–contact Shonna wardshonna@hotmail.com for future project

Hickson 4-H Club–contact Shonna wardshonna@hotmail.com –Denim Quilt next mtg TBD

Ingersoll Kiwanis Dairy 4-H Club–contact Karen kkarn@xplornet.com–Achievement Aug 9 

Mt Elgin 4-H Club–contact Carolyn crwilsonJ@xplornet.ca for future project

Thamesford 4-H Club–contact Christy c_brekelmans@hotmail.com for next project

North Oxford Dairy 4-H Club–contact Jack jjdanen@netflash.net–next mtg July 31/Achievement Sept 7

Oxford Beef 4-H Club–contact Amy reinstonefarms@gmail.com–next mtgs Aug 8/Achievement Aug 25

Oxford Cloverbud 4-H Club–contact Shonna wardshonna@hotmail.com–2024 has full registration currently

Oxford Swine 4-H Club–contact Christy c_brekelmans@hotmail.com— theme: genetics for 2024–project completed

Oxford Quilting 4-H Club–contact Linda oxfordquilting.4hclub@gmail.com–Quilting as Art postponed til late September

4-H Crop Club Sampler–contact Kim zesklein@execulink.com—-cancelled project with lack of interest

Regional 4-H Dairy Judging 4-H Club –contact Kim zesklein@execulink.com–next mtgs July 29/Aug 12/AD Aug 17

Facebook pages: Oxford County 4-H and Oxford Clover Buds

Oxford 4-H Communications Coordinator — Shonna Ward email/phone — oxfordcounty4h@gmail.com or 519-854-6919

Oxford County 4-H Association meetings (2nd Wednesday of each month), next mtg August 14 — in-person with zoom option; contact Oxford 4-H Communications Coordinator for details

Chairperson: Christy Brekelmans
Vice Chairperson: Melvin Bergsma
Treasurer: Jack Danen
Assistant Treasurer: Sarah McIntosh
Secretary: Shonna Ward
Assistant Secretary: Kirsten Dill
Livestock Coordinator: Amy Reinhart
Association Rep: Kirsten Dill
Oxford 4-H Awards Coordinator: Shonna Ward
Dairy Classic Coordinator: Geoff Innes
Beef Royal Coordinators: Terri Muir & Sarah Pletsch
Other Directors: Deb Bailey, Dwight Hargreaves

JanFeb 2024 Informer

MarchApril 2024 Informer

MayJune 2024 Informer

JulyAugust 2024 Informer

OC Constitution Jan 2024 signed

Memorial donations & other donations to Oxford 4-H can be made with the Treasurer at oxford4htreasurer@gmail.com


Oxford 4-H Communications Coordinator


Contact Oxford 4-H Association
