Temiskaming 4-H Association

Welcome to the Temiskaming 4-H Ontario website!

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Within the Temiskaming 4-H Association, you can normally find several different 4-H clubs running annually, such as Beef, Dairy, Sheep, and Lifestyles clubs.  These clubs are located between Temiskaming Shores (New Liskeard), Belle Vallee, and Thornloe.  The agricultural clubs usually start up late May-early June and conclude around the local fall fairs held in September.  The lifestyles club is a district club usually started late February through to April or May.


Learn about an available project near you

Volunteers are the leaders who bring to life the 4-H clubs and projects for 4-H participants – if you are interested in providing this type of experience so more local children can experience the 4-H spirit in Temiskaming. Please follow the link to see more information about becoming a volunteer.

Temiskaming 4-H Association Executive for 2022
President:  Rob Walther
Vice President:  Emily Seed
Secretary/Treasurer:  Susan Poirier
Membership Coordinator:  Susan Poirier
Association Representative:  Elaine Bowman
Livestock Coordinator:  Emily Seed
Screening Contact:  Susan Poirier
Webmaster:  Susan Poirier
Past President:  Wanda Cook


Susan Poirier


Contact Temiskaming 4-H Association
