International Lunch Club
The International Lunch Club is back, with more new countries, cultures and foods to try! We have so much of the world to see and taste! Let’s keep the experience going and try some more new foods.
First meeting: Saturday, Jan. 11 10am
For more info, contact John Drummond, john.drummond@hotmail.ca or Carol Pollock, carolmpollock@gmail.com
Wellington Twiddle Muff 4-H Project
This club will provide an opportunity to gain experience in different crafting techniques while using various yarns, fibre, beads, felt, etc. Basic knitting, crocheting and weaving will be highlighted. Creativity is encouraged.
First meeting: Thursday, January 9, 2025 7:00 pm
For further details, please email Linda Wing, growingtrees04@gmail.com
Wellington 4-H ONLINE Acrylic Painting Club
Meeting Dates January 28, February 4,11,18, March 4 Time: 6:30 to 8:30pm.
To Register: Go to the Wellington 4-H App https://www.4happ.ca or contact jswitzer@sentex.net or carolmpollock@gmail.com
Members will need to purchase :
1. A set of 12 -24 Acrylic Paints [Michael’s Artist Loft is a good buy and should be enough paint for the project although depending on the size canvasses , more of the basic colours such as white may be required]
2. A set of Acrylic Paint Brushes in a variety of sizes [Large flat to small round]Dollar Store brushes are fine and so are Artist Loft from Michaels]
3. At least 6-12 Canvasses [either stretched or Flat] 5×7 to 9×12 in size.(your choice) [Michaels offers these in bulk packs and is usually the best buy]
Additional information and the Zoom links will be sent out to all those who are registered .
Additional things you will need will be pencil, paper towels and 2 water containers.
Erin Beef Club
For more information contact Jessica Stevens jesscurrie@hotmail.com or Carissa Cabral carissa.cabral@outlook.com
West Luther Field Crops Club
For more information, contact Pat Grotenhuis dpgrotenhuis@gmail.com or Jill Dann jdann@hsfx.ca
West Luther Sheep Club
For information contact Chris Vervoort jenandchrisv@hotmail.com
West Luther Vet Club
For information contact Shannon Cartwright scartwri84@gmail.com
West Luther Dairy Club
For more information contact Shannon Cartwright scartwri84@gmail.com
West Luther Beef Club
For more information contact Tayler Black 4-H@tayler.black
Learn about an available project near you
2024 Eligibility & Fees:
The 4-H program is for youth 9 to 21 years of age (must have turned 9 before Jan 1, 2025).
The Cloverbud program is for children 6 to 8 years of age (must have turned 6 before Jan 1, 2025).
There is no additional membership fee beyond the provincial membership fee to participate in Wellington 4-H.
4-H Member Sign Up Instructions for Wellington 4-H Clubs
1. To “Sign Up” For individual clubs in Wellington – Go to https://www.4happ.ca/clubs and click on the club you wish to join. Then sign up! (If you don’t see your club, make sure the top right corner says “Wellington” as your county)
2. All registration payment is now made through 4-H Ontario.
To pay your 4-H Membership, go to https://4-hontario.ca/youth/become-a-member/.
Here you will pay your membership as well as fill out your participant form and various waivers.
If you do not wish to pay by credit card, please contact office@4-hontario.ca for instructions. Or call 519-856-0992.(4-H Ontario)
3. Please forward a copy of your 4-H registration confirmation to your club leader.
4. Your leaders will contact you with meeting dates, zoom links, and information before your first meeting.
5. Keep checking Wellington 4-H Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/345687385565545 and the Wellington 4-H website https://4-hontario.ca/association/wellington-4-h-association for updates about clubs.
Battery Drive
The Wellington County 4-H annual battery drive is going again this year. Take your old car, tractor, etc batteries to one of the following locations: Shantz Farm Equipment, Alma; Reliable Motors, Fergus; Connect Equipment, Rockwood; Co-op in Mount Forest and Ed Stewart’s at Erin. Just tell the dealer that you are donating your batteries to Wellington 4-H.
Square Dancing
Wellington’s 4-H Square Dancing clubs have become quite popular! Check out some of the team’s recent competitions and performances here!