
Chatham Kent 4-H Sheep Club

The club will focus on learning how to feed and care for a lamb. Members will learn how to train and show a lamb. The club will also visit several commercial sheep farms.

Note: members do not have to have sheep of their own. The leaders will “loan” lambs to interested members. The lamb will stay at the leader’s farm and the member will work with the lamb and train it over the summer.

Sheep Project

If you have an interest in the lamb or sheep industry, ewe will love the Sheep Project! We’ll cover everything to do with raising and showing healthy sheep.

Chatham-Kent 4-H Association

4-H is dedicated to the personal development of youth while providing a positive impact on volunteers and communities in Ontario and in Chatham-Kent.

Meeting Location

The initial meeting will be in Ridgetown but the remainder of meetings will range around the county and beyond (?) with farm tours and hands-on activities at the leader's farms. The Achievement Day will be at the Highgate Fair at the end of September.

Club Leaders

Peter Cameron and Anne Verhallen


Youth Participant 9-21
Spots Available

This project manual is used as reference and project activities and learning outcomes may vary.

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