Welcome to Renfrew County Beef Club!
This year members will learn the different types of beef operations, and their purposes.
As well as how to effectively feed, train, and care for their calf.
Preparing members for a successful achievement day, at the Renfrew Fair in September will be a fantastic way to showcase all that they have learned.
By focusing on showmanship skills, and fitting, the members will gain both confidence preparing their calf for show day and also walking out into the ring themselves prepared for judging.
We will have a focus on judging skills, and incorporate practice into each meeting, utilizing the many learning opportunities available to our members, that go far beyond beef club.
Beef Project
Renfrew 4-H Association
We are a proud group of volunteers dedicated to providing the 4-H program to youth in Renfrew.
Meeting Location
Renfrew County
Club Leaders
Anna McIntyre, Nicole Lavigne, Dia Campbell
This project manual is used as reference and project activities and learning outcomes may vary.
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