Welcome to Tractors 101. If you want to work with tractors, this is where you can gain all the skills you need to do so!
We’ll cover the six phases in their development, how they really work and how to use them in real-life settings.
In this project, you’ll:
- Gain an understand of how tractor technology has changed over the years
- Learn how to operate a tractor safely
- Learn about different types of tractor engines and how they work
- Discuss tractor maintenance and learn how to service different models
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4-H Ontario is pleased to be able to provide 4-H project resources for use by volunteers in 4-H clubs. With so many topics to choose from, 4-H volunteers are trusted to use these resources to provide safe, respectful and quality programming while using their judgement to assess the appropriateness of activities for their particular group of youth.
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4-H Ontario grants permission to 4-H volunteers to photocopy these 4-H project resources for use in their local 4-H program.
All information presented in these project resources was accurate and appropriate at the time of development.

Science & Technology
True or False
In a diesel engine, the intake system directs the air-fuel mixture into the cylinders. Answer – False, it only directs air into the cylinders.