Unearth gardening on any scale in the Let’s Get Growing Project. From a large garden or field in the country, to a garden in your backyard, to a planter box on a balcony – we’ll show you how to make the most of your space any time of year.
In this project, you’ll learn:
- How to make a plan for your garden based on its soil, light and water
- How to build a variety of garden structures
- The benefits of and ingredients needed for compost
- How to produce a wide variety of healthy seedlings
- How to trim and prune your plants, plus the basics of pollination and diseases
4-H Project Disclaimer
4-H Ontario is pleased to be able to provide 4-H project resources for use by volunteers in 4-H clubs. With so many topics to choose from, 4-H volunteers are trusted to use these resources to provide safe, respectful and quality programming while using their judgement to assess the appropriateness of activities for their particular group of youth.
By downloading any 4-H resource you agree not to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display such resources (in whole or in part) for any purpose other than delivering the 4-H program. You also agree to give credit to the original creators. Your provincial or national 4-H organization may have restrictions on the types of 4-H projects or activities which can be completed in your area.
4-H Ontario grants permission to 4-H volunteers to photocopy these 4-H project resources for use in their local 4-H program.
All information presented in these project resources was accurate and appropriate at the time of development.

The Environment & Healthy Living
Fun Fact
Not sure where to build a garden with the space you have? Not to worry! Gardens can be built in many forms including raised beds, rows, square foot gardens, hanging gardens and more. Learn about building your own garden with this 4-H project!