
Online Explore 4-H Project & Cloverbud At Home Experience 2024

Welcome to 4-H Ontario Online Experiences! We are excited you are here to be part of this experience.

The Online Explore 4-H Project shares activities that highlight all of the amazing things youth between 9-21 can do and learn in 4-H Ontario while the Cloverbud At Home experience has youth between the ages of 6-8 exploring exciting activities developed specifically for them. You can expect fun, experiential activities that will build skills and showcase 4-H Ontario’s vision of youth becoming contributing citizens who impact positive change in our communities.

4-H Ontario hosts the Online Explore 4-H and Cloverbud At Home Experience on Google Classroom, which enables you to see all of the project work options, submit your completed activity options, have questions answered, and play unique virtual activities all in one spot! If you don’t have this, you are still able to complete the project, when you sign up we will provide you with further instructions.

If you have questions about this or the Google Classroom, please reach out to Autumn at digitalprogram@4-Hontario.ca. Please note, school email addresses may pose a challenge in connecting to this 4-H virtual experience due to their security settings. Please use a different email address to register for this experience.

Step 1. Register with 4-H Ontario

Ensure that you have registered with your local 4-H Association. If you have not already done so, you may do so by clicking here.

Step 2. Sign Up for the Online Explore 4-H Project or Cloverbud At Home Experience

Sign up for the project by completing the form below.

Step 3. Complete project work

To achieve your project, you will need to complete 10 of the following Activity Options. There are 30 different Activity Options from which to choose, from a variety of 4-H Ontario project resources.  Look for the Required Submission Information as you will need to complete that for each Activity Option.

Step 4: Keep going!

Complete the requirements using ten different Activity Options and you can get another project credit! Just remember activity options need to be different for each project completion (i.e. 10 activity options completed = 1 project; 20 activity options completed = 2 projects, etc.).

If you have any questions along the way, please reach out to digitalprogram@4-hontario.ca and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Check out some of the activity submission from last year’s online experience!