
News & Updates

August 1, 2023

My 4-H Mentors

Written By: Rachel Gras An outstanding 4-H leader or mentor should be someone who is supportive, considerate and always there for you. I have been very lucky to find many people in 4-H who are like that for me, but...

July 19, 2023

Results of EastGen 2023 4-H Youth Events

Submitted to 4-H Ontario by Tara Reynolds, EastGen Marketing and Communications Specialist More than 435 4-H’ers Compete for Top Honours at EastGen’s 2023 Youth Events GUELPH, ONT. (July 19, 2023) – Keen competition, the 4-H “learn to do by doing”...

July 18, 2023

My Favourite 4-H Memory

Written By: Rhiannah Gallagher Having completed 32 clubs in just over 11 years means I have a lot of 4-H memories, and depending on the day, my answer to the question “what is my favourite 4-H club memory” changes. There...

July 10, 2023

Lifelong Skills I’ve Learned With 4-H Ontario

Written by: Joyce Lyn Fox During my 10 years in 4-H, I have experienced a TON of different things. However, there are a few that truly stick out to me when I look back on everything I’ve done. Here are...

June 22, 2023

The Benefits of 4-H Opportunities for Senior Youth

Written By: Hayley Ashton, 4-H Ontario 2023 Ambassador Thinking back to the many 4-H opportunities that I have participated in, I am thankful for the beneficial skills that I have gained. When I talk about the benefits of 4-H Ontario...