
July 19, 2019

For the Browns, PLC is more than just a camp but the beginning of a lifetime of happiness

By Laura Squires Provincial 4-H Leadership Camp (PLC) is a family tradition in many households and holds fond memories for all. For Brianne and Chris Brown, it is a moment that is held dearly in their hearts and marks the...

July 5, 2019

Haldimand 4-H Association members put their skills to the test at annual judging competition

By: Kendra Saxton  Each year, the Ontario Mutuals Insurance Association gives each 4-H Association the opportunity to apply for a $250 grant to support a local project or program. The Ontario Mutuals Grant Application Program is opened to 4-H Associations...

June 28, 2019

4-H Club extends their hands to larger service at 2019 Relay for Life

By: Kendra Saxton  According to statistics from the Canadian Cancer Society “Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.” Chances are, each and every Canadian has been touched by cancer in some way,...

April 9, 2019

Sudbury 4-H joins together to pledge their health to better living

Members of the Sudbury 4-H Club joined together to pledge their health to better living in their most recent hiking initiative. The group teamed up to explore the Junction Creek Waterway Park, a non-motorized trail system located in Greater Sudbury....

February 15, 2019

Nicole French Announced as 2019 Director-Youth on the Ontario 4-H Council Board of Directors

By Laura Squires 4-H Ontario is excited to announce Nicole French as the new 2019 Director-Youth on the Ontario 4-H Council Board of Directors. The Director-Youth is responsible for bringing the views and issues of the 4-H members to the...