Ontario 4-H Council, Director, Youth

Thank you for your interest in becoming the next Ontario 4-H Council, Director, Youth. Applications are due December 15, 2023. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-21 by the next Annual General Meeting, taking place March 2024. If you are the successful candidate, you will be required to complete the 4-H Ontario Screening Process to be a Volunteer in Good Standing.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please submit your current resume (Maximum 2 pages)
Clear Signature
I certify that the information contained within the opportunity application form is a true and correct representation. Personal information is collected and used for the administration and publicity of the 4-H program in Ontario. I allow my name and photograph to be published in media coverage and promotion of the 4-H program in Ontario. My signature above indicates that I agree to the release of this information.
Clear Signature

Ontario 4-H Council (“4-H Ontario”) Privacy Statement – 4-H Ontario respects the privacy of its members, volunteers, donors, sponsors, staff and stakeholders. We are committed to ensuring that appropriate measures and safeguards are in place to protect specific information that is held for the purpose of 4-H Ontario programs. We adhere to legislative requirements with respect to privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade mailing lists. If at any time you wish to be removed from any of our contact lists, simply contact us by phone at 519-856-0992, toll free at 1-877-410-6748 or via our website at www.4-H Ontario.ca. We will gladly accommodate your request. For further information regarding our commitment to privacy, please contact 4-H Ontario’s Privacy Officer at privacy@4-hontario.ca.