Virtual Art Show 2024

Welcome back to the 4-H Virtual Art Show!

The 4-H Virtual Art Show is to celebrate YOU, trying new things, and your love for the arts. Mark your calendars because the 4-H Virtual Art Show is opening June 21st and running all summer long. Submission deadline is August 30th. Explore our 4-H Virtual Gallery below view the gallery! Submit your art piece to have it posted in our Virtual Gallery and have a chance to win a mystery surprise!

Remember to have fun! 🎨


πŸ€ You can only submit 1 art piece for each class.
πŸ€ The picture of your art piece must be clear as possible.
πŸ€ The theme and subject of your art is whatever you choose to create. Communicate whatever you would like within your piece.
πŸ€ There will be a winner for each category per age division.
πŸ€ Deadline to submit your art piece is August 30th at 11:59PM.
πŸ€ We will be opening the voting process to the public following August 30th and will be closing September 8th 11:59PM. Please vote for your favourite of all categories in each age division.






Vote For Your Favourite!

The Classes:

πŸ€ Use any medium (type of materials used): acrylic paint, watercolour paint, oil paint, pencil, pencil crayons, crayons, etc.


Do you like to draw/paint on the computer or want to give it a try!Β  The world of digital art is growing and this is a great way to dip your toes in!

πŸ’‘ Examples to paint/draw: livestock, family, landscape, food, automobiles/tractors, own character, magical animals, architecture

Choose to capture any subject you want!

πŸ€ Use your phone, camera, or anything available to take a picture.

πŸ€ Do not hesitate to edit your photos. Sometimes tweaking your brightness, contrast, colours can enhance your photos!

πŸ’‘ Examples to capture: livestock, family, landscape, food, automobiles/tractors, architecture, etc.

Choose to create any subject/sculpture you want! It can be abstract (use your imagination) or something that resembles a real life subject.
Seed Art: use any types of seeds (sunflower seeds, bean seeds, other seeds). Create any thing you can imagine!

πŸ€ Use any medium (type of materials used): water bottles, plasticine, beads, construction paper, paint, flowers, etc.

πŸ’‘ Example to create: animals, fruits/vegetables, sea creatures, bubbles, think of something you would want to present to your community.

Create/decorate a cake/cupcake, sandwich art, any type of art using food!

πŸ€ Use any food to decorate and create.

πŸ’‘Example: decorate a cake/cupcake of a theme (summer, agriculture, cars, animals, flowers, dinosaurs, buildings, use your imagination)!

Virtual Gallery

2024 Gallery

We are waiting for your artwork to fill the gallery!


β€’ Spring Art: Tulip Painting – CLICK HERE
β€’ Llama Acrylic Painting Tutorial Video – CLICK HERE
β—¦ Resources – CLICK HERE
β€’ Watercolour Basics and Techniques – CLICK HERE
β€’ ADVANCED – Acrylic Painting Sunlit Meadow Landscape Tutorial – CLICK HERE
β€’ Digital Painting – CLICK HERE
β€’ Digital App that you can download – CLICK HERE
β€’ Colour Theory – CLICK HERE
β€’ How to Draw a Chicken – CLICK HERE
β€’ Norval Morrisseau inspired Art – CLICK HERE


β€’ How to Take Amazing Animal Pictures!- CLICK HERE
β€’ Photo Editing – CLICK HERE
β€’ 5 Tips to Improve Your Food – CLICK HERE

β€’ Water Bottle Sculpture – CLICK HERE
β€’ How to make Plasticine Carrot – CLICK HERE
β€’ How to make a Plasticine Dog – CLICK HERE
β€’ Paper Craft Sculpture – CLICK HERE

β€’ How to decorate a cake – CLICK HERE
β€’ How to Make Herb Cupcake Flower Pots – CLICK HERE

β€’ Read – Innovation that Sustains – CLICK HERE
β€’ Read – 5 agriculture technology innovations for farmersΒ – CLICK HERE
β€’ Farmers Are The Original Environmentalists – CLICK HERE

β€’ Cargill improves educational opportunities in cocoa-growing communities – CLICK HERE


These resources are very helpful for you to understand art!

β€’ How To Look at Public Art