SIX by SIXTEEN (cooking & baking) – Hybrid (Virtual & In person) * Could be becoming an in person club
Do you find cooking meals or baking a bit intimidating? Ever wonder what that kitchen gadget or appliance is for? We can help change that! Get comfortable in the kitchen with kitchen safety, proper food handling, proper storage, choosing nutritious food items and gaining confidence, enjoying your time in the kitchen preparing meals. How does a Spinach Salad with Pork & Nectarine & Chicken Stir Fry or One Pot Meal & Trifle or Fruit Crisp for some examples sound to you?!? Six meals everyone should know how to make by the time they are 16.
* Note: recipes/menus will be sent out in advance for anyone who may need to substitute for allergies or food preferences!
Leaders: Janice Kyle Elaine Elgie Lesleigh Elgie Email:
Virtual Dates: Mondays – June 24, July 22, August 19, September 16 & 30
Time: pm 6:45 pm – 9 pm (approx.)
Achievement, In person: Monday, October 28th at Bethel Stone United Church, Bethel Rd., Paris (*location for in person meetings)
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We are a proud group of volunteers dedicated to providing the 4-H program to youth in Brant.
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