
4-H Digital Essentials Program

Member suckers tomato plants

Welcome to the information for the 4-H Digital Essentials Program! We are excited you are here to be part of this experience!

Our 2021 4-H Digital Essentials Program is open! Please come back later to access the new 2022 4-H Digital Essential Digital Program!

The 4-H Essentials Digital Program will be hosted using Google Classrooms which will provide an easy and interactive experience for all-ages. There will be 2 Google Classrooms to choose from: 4-H Digital Essentials Program Age 6-8 and 4-H Digital Essentials Program Age 9-21. Bonus, if you complete 10 activity options/topics, you will receive a certificate of completion! The 4-H Digital Essentials is open until December 31st 2022.

  1. Adventures in STEM
  2. A Greener House
  3. Batter Up
  4. Beef
  5. Birdwatching
  6. Body Works
  7. Breadventure
  8. Canine
  9. Chocolate
  10. Computers
  11. Craft
  12. Cultural Diversity
  13. Dairy
  14. Digital Photography & Video
  15. Farm Machinery – Tractors
  16. Goat
  17. Horse
  18. Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  19. Judging
  20. Marketing 4-H
  21. Ontario Tasty Fruit & Vegetables
  22. Our Great Outdoors
  23. Our Heritage
  24. Pizza
  25. Pollinators
  26. Potato
  27. Rabbit
  28. Real Dirt On Farming
  29. Veterinary
  30. Watching Out For Wildlife

  1. Beef-By Products
  2. Beef- Housing
  3. Birds
  4. Building Character
  5. Celebrations of the World
  6. Chocolate
  7. Clowning Around
  8. Clowning Around
  9. Dairy Cows – Nutrition
  10. Farm Machinery
  11. Farm Machinery
  12. Farm Safety
  13. Financial Fitness
  14. Fruit Tree
  15. Home Hobbies
  16. Horse – Anatomy
  17. Horsin’ Around
  18. Horse Word Search
  19. Lakes & Oceans
  20. Let’s Get Growing
  21. Let’s Make Music
  22. Milk
  23. Nature Fun
  24. Pigs 101
  25. Putting Your Best Foot Forward
  26. Rabbits
  27. Safe At Home
  28. Seasonal Poem
  29. Tie Dying
  30. Veggies & Fruits


Read the 4-H Ontario Media Release.

Read the 4-H Ontario Code of Conduct

Our Thanks:

4-H Ontario thanks the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their support of this virtual experience.

4-H Ontario is thankful for outstanding educational partners whose digital content can be found as part of the 2021 Online Explore 4-H Project. This includes 4-H organizations across Canada and the U.S.A., AgScape, Beef Farmers of Ontario & Ontario Beef, Ontario Federation of Agriculture’s Six by Sixteen, Farm & Food Care Ontario, and Ontario Pork.