2021 4-H Ontario Ambassador

The 4-H Ambassador Program is a unique opportunity for personal development while promoting and exploring 4-H in Ontario.

Apply today!
Youth Ambassadors on Back of Truck

In 2021 the 4-H Ontario Ambassador program will be celebrating 16 years! As an Ambassador you will be part of this
exciting year experiencing amazing events from celebrations, provincial programs and activities, media connections and
much more that presents itself throughout the year. 4-H Ambassadors will be engaged in virtual opportunities and inperson activities as possible with the impacts of COVID-19.


  • To provide senior 4-H participants (18-21 years old before January 1st) with opportunities and experiences to enhance their knowledge, skills, attitudes and aspirations in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations.
  • To provide senior 4-H participants the opportunity to be actively involved and valued as partners in expanding 4-H marketing and promotion efforts.


  • To empower youth to enhance and/or gain new skills
  • To recruit new 4-H participants
  • To retain current 4-H participants
  • To share the value of being involved in 4-H
  • To raise awareness of 4-H and increase visibility

The Ambassador Program is a provincial opportunity that promotes involvement within local, regional and provincial 4-H activities and more! Each Ambassador will serve a term of one year commencing in mid-late February with a Reception (Feb.20) and Orientation (Feb. 20-21). Ambassadors may serve a maximum of two terms.

Selection Process

Applicants will need to complete and submit an application form, available here: https://4-hontario.ca/youth/youthpositions/ under 4-H Ontario Ambassador. Applications due January 27th, 2021. The following information will be required as part of the application:

  • Application form questions (see below to assist in your time and preparation)
  • Cover letter (explaining your ideas and interest in becoming a 4-H Ambassador)
  • Resume
  • Two typed reference letters (one must be from a volunteer within your Local 4-H Association) explaining why you would make an excellent Ambassador. Letters should come from sources other than 4-H Ontario staff.

Successful applicants will then move on to:

  • Attend an interview, hosted over ZOOM, with a panel of 3 individuals. Hosted February 3-4
  • Present a 3-5 minute presentation on one of the following topics (*Please note that these presentations should be prepared in a way that assumes the interview panel is the audience outlined in the question):
    • Showcase the values of 4-H to an audience of grade 6 students
    • Demonstrate how you would inspire others to get the most out of the 4-H program (choose adults or youth)
    • Share the value of the 4-H program to an urban audience during a television interview

Please note that parents/guardians must read and sign an agreement of understanding with regards to time commitments and travel involved with the Ambassador program, should you be selected for the program.

Training and Orientation

An orientation will be hosted on February 20-21, 2021 with advisors to plan out the year – roles, responsibilities, expectations, rules and guidelines of expected behaviour, outline of events to attend (or not to), review of completing activity reports and expense forms, introduction to our amazing sponsor, training in such areas as communications, public relations, workshop facilitation, speaking to the media, and more. With the impact of COVID-19, training sessions will be delivered virtually.

Opportunities for training throughout the year could include:

  • etiquette
  • resumes and interview skills
  • public relations, writing reports and news releases, working with the media
  • facilitation techniques
  • public speaking, using visual aids,
  • agricultural awareness, 4-H awareness
  • encouragement to participate in other training/update sessions, both as added learning
  • along with these trainings, the staff advisor will work with the group of Ambassadors to identify any learning opportunities that they would like as well.

Duties May Include

For the health and safety of all participants, activities will follow the requirements outlined by the Government of Ontario in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Ambassadors will be engaged in virtual events and activities as well as having the opportunity to participate at in-person engagement as possible.

  • Attending non 4-H events to promote 4-H at various locations including schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, community activities, etc.
  • Assisting with 4-H booths at fairs and community events to increase the visibility of 4-H
  • Engaging in local events such as awards programs, sign up experiences and 4-H information nights
  • Educating people about 4-H and help increase awareness of 4-H by making presentations
  • Writing blog posts for inclusion in 4-H Ontario’s blog
  • Attending regional or local 4-H meetings and workshops to promote the Ambassador Program and as a learning experience
  • Attending a maximum of two preplanned engagements or events for the sponsors to thank them for their support and to increase the visibility of 4-H
  • Writing articles about 4-H events for publication in local or regional publications
  • Creating videos and other virtual materials for inclusion in 4-H Ontario’s digital presence

Requirements of Each Ambassador

  • Sign an agreement indicating commitment to fulfill specific duties and obligations
  • Arrange for parents to sign an agreement indicating their understanding of program responsibilities
  • Participate in orientation, learning opportunities, and Ambassador teleconferences
  • Engage in provincial opportunities/events
  • Respond promptly to email and phone correspondence and event attendance requests
  • Submit entries to the 4-H Ambassador blog, as outlined
  • Create digital works (i.e. videos, Instagram posts, etc.)
  • Work cooperatively with 4-H Ontario staff to arrange participation in events and activities
  • Submitting activity reports, photographs, videos and expense reports regularly to ensure requirements of the program are being met – if they are not being met removal from the program will occur
  • Complete an Ambassador Community Engagement Project of your choosing

To apply, check out the Ambassador page at https://4-hontario.ca/youth/youth-positions/.

Questions? Contact Senior Manager, Programming by emailing programming@4-hontario.ca or by calling 1.877.410.6748.