ROCKWOOD, ONT (April 20th, 2021) – 4-H Ontario is pleased to announce that funding form the Stanley Knapp Resource Development Endowment Fund is being contributed towards the development of a new project resource, Technology and the World Around Us, that will be released in March of 2022.
“I think the key to future success is education,” says David Knapp. “If we can help 4-H youth to learn about new technology its and investment in everyone’s future.”
The Knapp family are longtime supporters of 4-H Ontario and project resource development.
Supporting youth development has been deeply engrained in their family’s culture since as far back as 1915. “There were 4 generations of the family involved in 4-H, soon to be 5th generation,” says Knapp. “Our family has been lucky to have benefited from 4-H and we would like to give something back.”
“It is exciting to see the Knapp family fund the Technology and world around us project,” says John den Haan, Chair, Ontario 4-H Foundation. “Stanley Knapp was instrumental in the early stages of the 4-H program in Ontario. I am sure Stanley would be proud to see his legacy continue.”
In 2006, Stanley Knapp was induction into the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame. His family felt this was a fitting time to establish a fund in his honour to give back to the organization which he started and that has helped to shape their family’s lives. The Stanley Knapp Resource Development Endowment Fund was created this same year and has since supported project resource development at 4-H Ontario. “Grandpa Stanley Knapp believed that young people are our future, and he felt that to give back to that is important.” said David Kanpp.
For more information please contact:
Sheena Switzer, Manager, Communications, 4-H Ontario
519.856.0992 x465,
About 4-H Ontario
4-H Ontario is a non-profit organization that supports young people in becoming leaders within their communities and assets to the world. With roots in rural Ontario, today 4-H is available across the province. 4-H youth ages 6–21 and volunteer leaders come together to learn about selected topics through fun, hands-on activities and mentorship. There are also provincial camps, conferences, competitions and national and international travel opportunities available to further develop skills in leadership, professional development, resilience and more. 4-H is passionate about preparing young people for the future and showing them that with the right skills and attitude, anything is possible.
About the Ontario 4-H Foundation:
The Ontario 4-H Foundation raises funds to ensure the long-term financial health of 4-H in Ontario. As a federally incorporated non-profit charity, our mission is to attract, manage, and grow endowment funds that support the future of 4-H in Ontario. Through sound fiscal management, the Foundation Trustees manage approximately $2.8 million on behalf of the organization with the objective of an annual return of 5%. For the past ten years, the Foundation has met or exceeded that goal.