

November 30, 2015

The Ambassador Beat: Gina Posthumus

The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program provides youth with advanced level training in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations. Ambassadors put their energy and 4-H experiences to work recruiting new members and sharing the 4-H story. Throughout 2015, each of 4-H...

November 23, 2015

Perth County Takes Home GFTG Honours

By: Ryan Métivier  All across the province, Go For The Gold (GFTG) teams have been practicing and competing for months for a chance to represent their regions at the Provincial Championships held at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair on Saturday,...

November 19, 2015

The Ambassador Beat: Laura Scott

The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program provides youth with advanced level training in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations. Ambassadors put their energy and 4-H experiences to work recruiting new members and sharing the 4-H story. Throughout 2015, each of 4-H...

November 13, 2015

The Ambassador Beat: Olivia Bolender

The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program provides youth with advanced level training in leadership, citizenship, communications and public relations. Ambassadors put their energy and 4-H experiences to work recruiting new members and sharing the 4-H story. Throughout 2015, each of 4-H...

October 5, 2015

Waterloo Sheep Club Thriving

By: Ryan Métivier Photos Courtesy of Sharon Grose Photography When you think about where to find a sheep club, Waterloo Region, a typically more urban area, may not be your first thought. But in fact, lead by volunteer Susan Martin,...