Who doesn’t love to bake – but there is science, can be creativity and mostly are all delicious. It’s also perfect for sharing your creations with friends and family. In the Batter Up Project, you’ll learn how to make a variety of baked goods.
- mtg 1 -how to read a recipe, read /use measurement tools, shortforms/terms – (executive, and club name, roll call, get to know you),
- -Judging (to be determined) simple cookie recipes, discussion of fair entries?. clean up as you go
- (The basic principles of baking, like kneading, rising and temperature control,- if we do dough based stuff ) measuring, experiments
- mtg 2 or 3 -How to substitute ingredients for healthier versions or just substitute for similar ingredients, premade mix, frozen batter?
- How to bake various treats like muffins, cookies, squares, bars, cakes, pie or bread (not necessarily all.)
- mtg 2 or 3 -grocery store field trip – how does baking from scratch compare to store bought- cost wise, and check out what is avail -flours-sizing,cost, bulk barn (and reimagine and thing library(this might have to be a sat. or I request if we can get a tour -hopefully)
- mtg 4 & 5 -making recipes (some of any thing we make we can save/freeze for achievement)
- jar recipes?
- mtg 6 achievement and board preparation for ilderton fair
You may be requested to bring some pieces of equipment, if possible -for club to borrow
Bring oven mitts, tea towel
hair elastic or means to tie hair back(if longer hair),
paper, pen or pencil
Batter Up Manual, We will suggest you print certain pages, for each meeting
Basic meetings will be about 2 hours, Friday Evenings (possibility of 1 saturday)
Begin Mar 1, 6:45-8:45pm(will confirm we can use), end Apr.19,24 as our achievement night. (Location still to be determined.) Ilderton or Ivan
(tentative – Mar 1,8,15, April 5,12,19)
Let us know if interested
If interested – let us know as soon as possible -if food allergies, dietary restrictions -so we can try to make sure we work around it as much as possible.
We need your 4h #, also 4H participant form (from when you registered)
Achievement – bake a recipe of our choosing, to share with parents and other members.
Completion – min. 8 of 12 hours (2/3), plus achievement night or equivalent
Leaders Lissette Verbeem, Catherine VanDerPloeg, Emily Tschirhart, Pam Bosley
contact via lobolifeskills, & lissette email
Batter Up Project
Welcome to Baking 101 with a twist! This project focuses on healthier versions of our favourite treats for the perfect blend of delicious and nutritious.
View Project ManualMiddlesex 4-H Association
We are a proud group of volunteers dedicated to providing the 4-H program to youth in Middlesex.
View AssociationInformation
Region 6
Ilderton or Ivan
Youth Participant 9-21
Lissette Verbeem, Catherine VanDerPloeg, Emily Tschirhart, Pam Bosley
Spots Available