

July 12, 2012

Dairy Sen$e

This year marked the third anniversary for 4-H Ontario’s Dairy Sen$e conference. With a full roster, the 2012 Dairy Sen$e conference was another great success. Delegates from across Ontario came out to learn about the business management side of farming...

July 9, 2012

Modern Day Treasure Hunting

Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned treasure-hunt?!  For me, there’s nothing like getting out a map and searching for the big “X” that marks the spot. This week, I was introduced to a whole new kind of treasure hunting; geocaching....

June 29, 2012

Growing Up in 4-H

Hi everyone! I’m going to take this golden opportunity to introduce myself to you all, my name is Danielle and I am the new Summer Communications Assistant for 4-H Ontario AND the newest blogger for 4-H Folklore! I look forward...

June 14, 2012

A Sen$ational Time

Have you heard about Career Sen$e? Career Sen$e is a conference for youth ages 14−18 that’s about teaching youth the skills they need to secure their dream job. Even if they’re not quite sure what their dream job is yet....

June 12, 2012

A Northern Adventure

Linda Klages was the lucky winner of the Second Prize of “Dinner for two anywhere in Canada” in the 2011 4-H Ontario Dream Dinner Lottery. She and her husband, Robert chose to go to the Yukon. Thanks Linda for sharing...